Youth Ministries

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Pathfinders & Adventurers

Pathfinders and Adventurers are worldwide organizations of young people sponsored by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.  Programs include camping, age-appropriate leadership training, community outreach, interactive training modules and awards in a positive, encouraging learning environment.

Our Pathfinder and Adventurer programs are directed by Ashley Buchanan.  Our clubs come together every Second Sabbath of the month for activities and also have field trips throughout the year on the Second Sunday of the month.

If you have a student who would like to join Pathfinders or Adventurers, please contact Ashley Buchanan at



Children's Church

Children's Church is a weekly program directed by Joe & Meredith Hall during our weekly worship service.  Children are invited to join anytime and enjoy songs, Bible stories, crafts, and activities. 



Vacation Bible School



Upcoming Events

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